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Short Narrative Film
Short Film

A Moment Ago
Men's Mental Health

Our founder and Creative Director, Matt, has made his own films for many years, with each story touching upon a personal narrative or feeling.

With his film, ‘A Moment Ago’, Matt tackled a subject very close to his heart, men’s mental health. When it comes to matters of emotions and struggles, many men don’t feel like they have a voice, which can lead to some truly horrifying statistics. Matt’s belief is that using creative expressions, tough subjects, emotions, and situations can be more easily discussed.


After going through his own tough time, he put pen to paper to write a poem that would later become the core narrative for this short film.

More importantly, that poem, and this short film, would give birth to, Inside Man, a campaign he has set up to give men a talking platform and safe space.

Man: Christopher Sherwood

Assistants: Josh Millmore, Sam Body

Sound Design: Edwin Matthews